So, you plan to make serious crosswords like the ones you see in newspapers? You need some sharp tools to help you, like what these professional crossword authors have already done. Crossword editor will be your best friend in the process. In the market there are desktop versions of these crossword construct helping tools crossfire or compilers which usually take 40 US dollars. And they can only be used with a desktop. With Crossword Editor, you can access to these professional features freely, almost without limitation.
- 🍕1 Start new crosswords based on existing grid templates.
- 🍔2 Type words with help of intelligent word completing.
- 🍟3 Type clues for any word with the clue editing screen.
- 🍿4 Type dot to toggle between normal grid and black grid.
- 🌭5 Play the puzzle at any time.
- 🍖6 Share the puzzle with PUZ format (Across Lite format) or PNG format.
Typical workflow🐱👤:
- 🎈Start from clicking ‘New’.
- 🎈Optionally type the puzzle title and title size.
- 🎈Input a word or optionally with the help from random dictionary.
- 🎈Input the clue or optionally with the help from the crossword clue database.
- 🎈Repeat previous two steps until you have enough word clue pairs.
- 🎈Click ‘Done’ and a puzzle will be generated.
- 🎈Play it by yourself.
- 🎈Share it with friends.

Our Crossword Editor is now on Google Play. Please check it.