Here are the 100 words used most commonly in Monday and Tuesday New York Times crosswords, in alphabetical order, along with the type of clues you’ll see for them early in the week. The three most common three-, four- and five-letter answers are marked with an asterisk.

ABET Aid in crime; help in a heist ACE High card; tennis serve; air hero; whiz ACHE Yearn; over- exercising result; pain/soreness ACRE Farm/land/field/plot unit/measure ADO “Much __ About Nothing”; hubbub; commotion **ADORE** Love to bits; be nuts about **AGE** Grow older; what birthday candles signify **AIR** Put on TV; lungful; balloon/tire filler **ALA** Pie ____mode; in the style of; Miss, neighbor **ALAS** “Woe is me!”; “What a pity!”; word of regret **ALE** Pub order; ginger __ ALEC Actor Baldwin; actor Guinness; novelist Waugh ALEE Away from the wind; toward shelter ALI** ____Baba; he “floated like a butterfly”; Clay, now **ALIT** Touched down; landed (on) **ALOE Natural burn/skin soother; lotion additive; __ vera AMEN “You said it!”; prayer’s end

AMI French friend; “What Kind of Fool __?” **ANA** Santa , Calif.; Santa winds **ANNE** Green Gables girl; Henry VIII s second or fourth wire; author Rice **ANT** Hill dweller; industrious one; aardvark s morsel **ANTE** Poker stake; Put a couple of chips in the pot **ANTI** Pro s opposite; opposed to **APE** Mimic; gibbon or gorilla; King Kong, e.g. **ARE** Exist; __ you nuts? ; You __ here **AREA** Neighborhood; square rootage; geometry calculation **ARENA** Where the action is; fight site; boxing venue ARES Greek war god; Mars counterpart **ARIA** Opera solo; La Scala highlight; diva s delivery **ART** Paintings/sculpture/prints and such; gallery display **ASAP** Quickly, on a memo; pronto **ASEA** On the briny; out or port; cruising **ASH** Baseball bat wood; cigar/fire residue **ASIA** Largest continent; China setting **ATE** Chowed down; consumed; put away **EAR** Musician s asset; corn serving; canal locale **EASE** Facility; comfort; simplicity **ECHO** Canyon/cave sound; bounce back **EDEN** Genesis garden; perfect place **EDGE** Advantage; upper hand; nose (out) **EERIE** Spooky; spine-tingling **EGAD** Zounds! ; Yikes! ; mild oath **ELAN** Verve; pizazz; panache **ELI** Inventor Whitney; actor Wallach; Yale student **ELIA** Director Kazan; essayist Lamb’s alias **ELLA** Singer Fitzgerald; first name in scat **ELSE** Otherwise; Or __! END Finish; terminus ENE Chemical/hydrocarbon suffix; opposite or WSW ENID Oklahoma city; author Bagnold; Geraint s wire EPEE Fencing sword; blunted blade ERA Pitcher’s stat; historical period ERAS Historical periods; important times ERASE** Obliterate; rub out **ERE Poetic preposition; afore; before

ERIE Pennsylvania port; Toledo’s lake; Niagara source ERR Blow it; slip up ESE Language suffix; compass reading ESS Slalom curve; double curve EST Superlative suffix; ballpark fig. ETA Greek vowel; LAX posting ETAL List-ending abbr.; list ender ETNA Sicilian spouter/volcano EVIL Wicked; demonic; bad to the bone ICE Rink surface; rocks IDEA Brainstorm; notion IDO Altar vow; bachelors last words IDOL Hero; role model IGOR Composer Stravinsky; operatic prince IOTA Smidgen; tiny bit IRA Lyricist Gershwin; author Levin; nest-egg letters IRE Wrath; anger IRON Press; wrinkle remover ISEE “Gotcha”; words of understanding ISLE Capri, e.g.; __ of Man **KNEE** Leg joint **NEE** Society page word; born; maiden name preceder **OBOE** Double-reed instrument; woodwind **ODE** Praiseful poem; lyric poem **ODOR** Aroma; smell **OGLE** Stare at; gawk at; eye amorously **ONCE** Formerly; in the past; as soon as **OLE** Grand __ Opry; bullring cheer OLEO Bread spread; butter substitute; toast topper ONE Early afternoon; start of a long distance call; small bill ONES Change for a five; small bills ONTO Aware of; not fooled by ORAL Spoken; kind of exam ORE Mine find; pay dirt OREO Sandwich cookie since 1912; Nabisco treat;black-and-white cookie OTTO “Beetle Bailey” dog; director Preminger; Germany’s von Bismarck OVER Finished; walkie-talkie word

SPA Health resort; place to relax STAR Headliner; constellation component STET Editor or proofreader’s mark; “keep it in”; leave in, as text STY Pig pen; hog’s home; mudhole TEA Afternoon break; oolong, pekoe, or Darjeeling; Tetley product TREE Forest unit; elder or alder; elm or oak TSAR Pre- 1917 Russian ruler; Nicholas II, for one; bygone despot USER Addict; manipulator; customer